hello everyone
Commission: Open

My name is Afanasia Leviathan.
This is a my official web site.
In this here you can contact me or see some my Commission in there.


First of all, Please read Term of service
before hiring my commission.
It's a montage, not a drawing.
It may take more time than usual.


1. Brief the desired job description in its entirety. to work out as close to what you want
2. Attach something I will use in my work or what I want, such as Logo, BG, and reference examples.
3. Notify each time where to submit the work. It will always be sent as a file in G-drive.
4. If you want a .psd file,
please inform us before starting work every time to add a price of 50 baht.
5. If there are additional modifications Prices may change as appropriate.

• Not accepting urgent work.
• You can message me for inquiries or message me to ask about the job queue first.
• Every completed work is capable of being posted on Twitter and used as a sample work.

" The price will not exceed the specified. "


term of service

1. The deposit is 40% of the agreed price. can pay in installments and The work will start only after the deposit has been paid.
2. There are two types of files you will receive.
- If it's a Stream Overlay Pack, it will be a 1080p 300 dpi PNG file.
- If it is a Stream Loading Pack, it will be Mp4. , Png. , Gif. and JSON. with 1080p quality.
3. We reserve the right to use images by illustrators and employers only.
or those authorized by the employer only
4. The working period is 3-14 days if more or less will make an appointment to notify the progress every 2 days.
5. The process of working. Able to order work no more than 4 times.
If more than that, I will be charged an additional price of 20 baht per time.
If the color correction or minor detail correction will not charge
6. If Brief comes in a direction that I'm not good at
I ask not to accept that job.
in case of cancellation
- If the work starts, the deposit will not be refunded.
- If the work has not started, It will be refunded.


Fill free to DM. I'm online on Discord from 20:00 - 00:00 (GMT+7) every day.